I hope I didn't give the impression, that I wasn't aware of the fact that a lot of the influence was cultural, or disrespect that fact. I was trying to give as neutral a view, as possible, within my ability. As you maybe can tell, I question the culture in which I was raised, to a large extent, but that, combined with the insight I've gained over the years as to Asian cultures, can not detract from the fact that, in essence, it is still, to an extent, a western influenced perspective.
My stereotyping an Asian girls preference for Caucasians was only a generalisation, although quite apparent. It also varies within different social groups. I don't think I fit that stereotype ... heheh ...
Believe it or not, I could go on and on about this topic, but I'll spare you the pain. Here's just a couple of links I came across, after my last post, showing just a slice of different perspectives on the double eyelid vs single controversy, seemingly, for the most part, from an "Asian American" [odd term] point of view :
You're probably familiar with this site : http://www.alllooksame.com/
For the record my g/f has double eyelids which merge into single at the corners. I'd never really analised them before ( why would I ? ) and she wasn't aware of it until I pointed it out. A lot like Yen Yinling
My obsession with Yen Yinling may not be apparent, but it's partly because she doesn't fit a "typical" perception of beauty. Especially in her videos, she can lose what I perceive to be attractive in her, if she turns or looks a certain way. I grew used to it though and it just makes her all the more appealing. She no doubt exudes a very intense sexuality, which is partly what makes her so hot, in my view. All this combined with the fact she is rebellious, controversial and rather unique in her approach to "erotica" makes her one very appealing chick. Not to mention the fact her favorite music groups include Killing Joke and Ministry and her fav movies include 'Natural born Killers'
Official Yen Yinling Site
Yinling's Yahoogroup
That's not to say I don't appreciate other types of women. I was talking with my friend again and we both whole heartedly agreed on Emilie Yo.
gotta go ...