You want to know something disturbing?! I STILL FEEL THAT WAY! I love to finger paint (and with brushes too). And having nephews and nieces, it's very very exciting to come across such a box. I hit the crafts store and pick up paint, construction paper, sparkles, glue and pipe cleaners. We make space ships, boats, castles, thing-a-mijiggies. That isn't gone - I think that's parents being willing to teach their children the art of play from a young age. Hell I have two friend nearing their 30's who would come over to my house, crack a bottle of wine and paint a space ship on the box with me and climb in.
Actually your story about sliding down the grassy hill reminds me of something: Now this isn't a memory I have, I was too young. However, my siblings and I spent a part of our life in a refugee camp (we were fleeing our home country to come to Canada). It was winter, and my siblings wanted to go sledding, so they went to a junk yard and got an old refrigerator door - the actual DOOR. And apparently they clambered on, held me, and that's how we went downhill.
Bless your kind spirit. I only ever see this happen when there's a little kid in front of me in line, and do the same thing, because I adore their reactions.
When I am making a choice to support the administration of an organization I believe in, I don't mind at all. However, when I want to give to someone directly, there is plenty of opportunity to do so.