To be honest, I would have preferred paying the standard $40. But after receiving what I felt went well beyond a HE (topless, grinding, small amt of oral fun), I thought to myself "Who needs this additional/optional $20 more, me who makes a solid living, or her, who is grinding it out in the darkness for 8+ hours a day with guy after guy?" So I thought, fuck it, let her have it, and the smile and hug I get for that extra bit I feel was genuine and appreciated. And if they are playing me, so be it. But ever since I started doing $60, I have enjoyed really great service and if you can afford it, why the hell not. But the guys paying $40 should NOT be trashed in any way, it is their right to pay what THEY feel is appropriate. What really chokes me is the guys who wonder if they should even be tipping at all, now that is complete bullshit. 40, 60, whatever, just do what you can and feel good about it.