I can see why some people don't like the Baya scene.
It is because it is the club of the
"hipper than thou" people. The greaseball Eurotrash, and FLs with attitude. The home of the hip and bar of the pretentious. Intimidating to some guys.
However, if you can get past that and see it for the circus it is, it is all really quite amusing, and can be a lot of fun! Sometimes even pretentious people aren't all that bad once you get to know them, and can see past their manifestations of insecurity. :biggrinlo
Besides there are always lots of FLs who want to go to Safari with you and the scene outside when Baya is closing, with the disorganized mass of people milling about, crowding into tuk tuks with the girls for the wild ride over the hill, drink in hand, wind whistling through your hair, sounds of the ladies' laughter tickling your ears, and sight of their bright giggling, intoxicated faces, full of the quintessential excitement of youth, tantalizing your eyes, as time seems temporarily suspended, as if you are in a play and it is intermission between Act 2 and Act 3. You really aren't going anywhere, just waiting for the seforum.xxxe hands to change the scenery, hauling out the Baya props and bringing in the Safari backdrops. It is a moment in which the carefree joy of complete, irrational, exuberant irresponsibility is captured! It is sanuk in a tuk tuk bottle.
What could be better than that?