Exactly my point. It doesn't happen overnight and that's the gist of what Auggie is saying. There is plenty of time to put out the fire before it starts by avoiding the person, not answering their calls, not calling them, in other words, NOT persuing them.
As for my extremes, why are they any different than falling for someone "normal"? It seems, according to Auggie Rules, we are guided by our emotions and cannot help who we like. If Auggie Rules apply then they apply.
Why is it MORE stupid to fall for a Geoffry Dahmer than someone else while you're married? You're risking your entire life (home/family/wife/kids) so it shouldn't matter WHO you are falling for.....
I mean seriously, what's so different about a drug dealer or rapist than an abusive spouse?
What it boils down to is that when you're in a monogamous relationship, you SHOULD be in control of your emotions and NOT allow yourself to get attached to anyone other than your spouse. Or at least NOT to act on those emotions and contrary to Auggie RUles, there are some of us who DO have the ability to have emotions, and not act on them.
In case Auggie isn't aware, there are some out there who test the waters before diving in. Then there are others who climb up the high platform and leap off only to find too late the water is only an inch deep. I'm one of the former, I'll find out as much as I can about someone before letting it get past the platonic stage....Maybe if more people did that there'd be less divorce, less abuse, less fatherless children, less disease, etc etc etc. But this just is an example of what a self-indulgent society we've become where "damn the consequences I'm doing what I want to do" attitude is becoming the norm.....
But again, look where this subject is being discussed? Where probably 80% of the guys here are married and fuck escorts........