not much of a detective are you? Oh wait, you're just a
I don't know how you "all"think, which is why I said "a lot". There are numerous NUMEROUS guys on here who have come out and blantantly said that they either have no luck with women and don't bother trying or just don't bother trying period. Not to drag names into this but the most recent is Blank_Dave and given the desire, I could do some research and drag up a bunch more. I think the "nice guy" thread has a lot of examples in it.
What am I doing here? I'm single and see escorts, what's that got to do with my opinion on married men cheating?
I don't do "my way or no way", in fact, I have a very liberal opinion on letting people do whatever works for them. Obviously (in the most recent case of notsoblissful) it really isn't working now is it? And in this case, the OP asked a direct question and I gave a direct answer. I'm allowed, this IS a public forum. Or did you miss that?
In addition, when someone is blatantly lying to their spouse/partner/so , and brags about it, I don't support that at all because IT IS DISHONEST. No ifs ands or buts.
Freak out? LOL you're as dislusional as notsoBlissful. I don't freak out, I simply state my case and no, I don't have a problem with trannies, I worked with 2 and they're (generally) great people. I have a problem with ONE in particular because he's misrepresenting himself, he came on here bragging about how he blackmailed some poor schmuck into paying extortion money, HE thinks the whole world should bend to his ways, and he made an enemy of me when he posted derogatory remarks about me in a place he knew I wouldn't discover them. Fortunately for me, I have many friends and one pointed it out to me.
Don't worry, I judge people in real life too......everyone does...I'm just open about it as opposed to many who BS their way through life.......