Known Reviewer
So, what are you saying? Put-In-Bay is actually attacking USA through Ukraine? If that's true, he's a bigger Coward than you are. Lol. In case you didn't know, Biden isn't the President of Ukraine. Or are you now finally admitting that Drunk Trump is a communist dictator as like Put-In-Bay? Seems like you are. I won't hold my breath waiting for your answer, because you're lack of intelligence won't allow you to have any substance in it.Thanks for admitting Putin only acted while Obama and Biden were in office.Wow, you’re dumb.
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But you still didn't answer the original question. How do you know if it's real news or not, when it seems you only believe fake news?
And you still don't have an answer for your shepherd, Drunk Trump. Why did he tell his sheep that he finally got vaccinated after he vowed not to, and insisting that the pandemic was a hoax?
It was announced yesterday that the death toll from Covid has reached one million. If your fake news shepherd Drunk Trump took the virus seriously, and acted immediately, he could have nipped it in the bud before it got out of control. You, yourself admitted you had the Covid virus. You learned the hard way that Covid wasn't a hoax, and yet you are a member of his flock.
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