"Yo mama" Jokes.
Ok, I have no idea if there is a topic already about this in here, but I did not see one on the first page, so if there is one, I'll just revive it.
Please note: If you find these jokes offensive, please do not continue in reading the Members posts.
Major Note: These are only jokes, so these Jokes aren't dedicated to ANYONE. If there is a joke that has been dedicated to someone, I will be asking a Forum Moderator to remove your post.
Have fun and don't take anything personally.
I'll start off with a few of my favourites.
1) Yo mama is so fat, she sat on a quarter and a booger popped out of George Washington's nose.
2) Yo mama is so fat, you'd have to take a train and 2 buses jsut to get on her good side.
3) Yo mama is so fat, she uses a Mattress as a Maxi Pad, King size, psst, thats how they invented water beds. :lmao:
4) Yo mama is so ugly she makes onions cry. (old one)
5) Yo mama is so fat, ever time someone's beeper went off people thought she was backing up. (another old one)
I'll be posting more later when I go looking for more.