there isn't.....:666:
More on that "keeping the population down", I saw a documentary on a couple who had this child with this horrible genetic disorder. (three heads, no brain or something horrible like that). When the parents got together, one said "I carry this gene so any kids we might have might have this disorder". The other one was tested and she had the gene too. So what did they do? had a kid and woop, it had the disorder which was going to require millions of dollars of medical treatment throughout it's life and it will never achieve self-awareness or something like that. Now if the couple were paying this money themselves, so be it that's fair but they're not. A health plan is. ...I think the parents a) should be smacked silly for being so selfish and b) have their medical coverage dropped. If they are so stupid and selfish to knowingly bring a child into the world who will suffer every day of his or her life, there ought to be a law.....
They were told that the kid would probably have this affliction (I seem to recall that the odds were like 80% that the kid would get it) but they went ahead anyways and did so knowingly (not like she accidentally got pregnant).
My point is that we should allow natural selection to occur. There supposedly is a cancer gene that if you have it, you'll most likely develope some form of cancer in your life. If you don't have it you most likely won't.