Called YQ and was told two ladies on duty each shift and it was Yumi and Coco that day. Since I have seen Coco before, I opted for Yumi. I was greeted by a masked young lady; while the mask stayed on for almost the entire massage, it did come off at the end after the flip. She was a breath of fresh air to see, instead of the standard lulus and tank top, she was in a white tee with denim skirt (and matching g-strings)

. I think <30, and as described above, cute face, tight body, A-Cup. That young girl in a miniskirt look reminded me of certain legendary provider.
Before the flip, her massage was actually very thearpeutic; she asked a lot of questions about the knots on my body and focused on my many problem areas. I asked for deep and she delivered 90% there. Unlike most other ladies in the industry, her English was almost perfect, went to school in Canada, has the language skills to communicate properly. After the flip, and after she had suitably adjusted her masks and other clothing items, instead of being erotic, it was more exotic to me. She reminded me of Ms. V during her happy therapeutic sessions. Some of you would remember, Ms. V offered two different types of sessions, you can have full relaxation or you can have happy therapeutic, not both.
Unlike most other in the industry, Yumi's service style is distinctively Japanese. She is Japanese after all. If you have been to a soapland, you would know what I mean. The service from helping undress and redress is "client focused". She even helped me tie my shoe laces on the way out, Japanese style services for sure.
I pay her the exact same amount I would pay any other notable ladies around town for the same middle tier extras and she seems happy about it. Did I get an erotic near-sex experience like some other providers? No. Did I get a full 60 minutes of exotic Japanese style services by a young cute Japanese girl? Yes, yes I did. Does she provide fairly rigid boundaries which cannot be crossed? Also, disappointingly, a yes. I would not expect any high end extras from her but she is a repeat for me. She reminded me of when I first met Ms. V before I found out Ms. V had full relaxation options. IMHO, zero chance for full relaxation from Yumi, ymmv.