Frank: Trigger Warning! -
Damnit Frankie! Now i have to rent another truck and take all those party supplies back to Costco! My apologies from being overzealous when you announced your departure easy mistake to when it is so obvious you're not getting your way. My bad.
So now you're not only Shill Police and Grammar Police, but you're also Contribition Gatekeeper?! Holy fuck that's a lot of hats to wear. All while suffering from Main Character Syndrome. Whew!
But you do confuse me Puppet Master. How come I have moved from "fond of" to Homophobic Peon and yet Funguy and XTCs status remain unchanged? I mean if I like a post or quite a post by xtc, KJ, OG, etc., according to you I'm licking their balls, yet if they lick mine nothing changes? Isn't that your definition? A like or a quote= ball licking. Am I right my Brother/Friend/Chameleon?
Maybe you didn't notice but it's one big Daisy Chain from what I've seen here. In fact there's even some cross-gender ball licking sometimes (see Ellagance thread

) But I like my balls licked as much as they do so thank you for your continuing support.
And since you are demanding I summate my contribution rate (trying to use big words since that is so important to you

), and although you're the last guy on the planet I would defend myself to, for the sake of your enlightenment, I will say this: the majority of my contributions are made through PM now for one simple reason: Why would I want to unleash a creepy shitbag like yourself onto my gems? I've learned my lesson from dipshits like ManginaMon thanks. I send info to guys I like which is why you don't get any (not that I didn't like you at first, in fact you stirring up Spa Ad Planet was welcome...for a brief moment).
But before throwing rocks from Glasshouse Ville, maybe you should add up the amount of guys that actually respond or give a fuck about your "wives" or any of your other creepy posts. But here's a bump for you so you can thank me for moving your shit from Page 9

I use this forum how I like thank you very much just as other guys do here. No one has to answer to you Motherfucker.
Now I'm trying really hard to not to go back and edit but I won't promise anything
Oh well the editing thing didn't work out! Damnit!
Have to add. Oh puulleeaase don't toy with me and make me wait for your response! It's so stressful!