Known Reviewer
Bro, totally agree in credit card and same is happened with me currently paying only minimum due amount and yes still bars are charging transction fee 5 to10% on amount trying to give stop for mongering but couldn't controlled it now as it's habbited to me from longer time like from 2008 years and for that reason are when my first serious relationship broken down with a girl who said NO to me for marriage after 6 years together@ronit ji
It's important for you that you have atleast realised that you are going wayward...
99% don't understand that they need to control, including me in my initial days..
I resolved a lot,but the more I resolved,the more I indulged in..
In the meantime,as my resources dried up,I tried using my credit cards,way back in 2001-2002.
I resolved hard to keep my mongering expenses to 15k in 2001,a lot of amount that time,I would spend 25-30k per month on credit card..
Those days,no bars accepted credit or debit cards..the waiters,the white coats gave u a sinister look when u flashed credit card..but to my surprise,white house, nightingale,cabana would happily accept my credit card..but deducting further 5-10% as transaction fees...bc..
At one time,my outstanding was RS. 95000+ and I used to pay 3500 as interest per month,leave alone the principal amount..
The more I resolved to stay away from joints those days cause of mounting debt,chiks used to call and sentimentally blackmail me to visit adding woes to my sorry plight...
I don't know what destiny had plans for me,in those rough days,best chiks came in my,curvy,seductress...and I could not control my desires...
So bro...
To me controlling this vice is almost near to impossible...and if you could control it,consider yourself as superhuman...or Saint...who have conquered their desires..
Stay blessed

Any mongers have solutions or medicine to control this mongering habbits will be great

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