Statutory warning
FR Value : 0/10
FR usefulness : 2/10 (mentioned two new girls!!)
FR audience: if you are someone who appreciates and encourages fellow mongers dance in DB, even if they are unknown to you, there is a warning for you in the end.. You may ask why not in the beginning, how will I then get someone to atleast scroll through the message if not read it?!
If audience recommendation itself is such a blabber, the story below is going to be even worse and longer even for my standards!! So feel free to skip to the end..
4 to 7PM : Sneha, Kishor, Mayur, Sai Darbar, Sunil
7 to 10:30PM : Rasna, Ramesh, Cabana, Baywatch
11 to 1 AM: Nightingale, Star night, other OBs..
That had been the schedule for few nights. Not every bar on the same night, just some bars in that specific time of that night..
It is well known fact that beauty of women is directly proportional to how drunk you are.. so, when you are already down by 7-8 beers before you reach OB, even 5/10 girls starts looking like 7 or 8/10 !! So here is a business proposition to bar owners. To increase income and footfall to the bars, reverse the bar timings. Keep milfs work later night in SBs and start OBs earlier. Kind of win-win for both, we get to see good looking ones before we are drunk and once we are drunk it does not matter what we see or grope!
I think lustking69 showed his unlustiness of the law scene created by rakshashas (or rakshaks?, does not matter, it's the same!!) and also some other posts about how some follow MK's suggestion to the dot.. gives me another idea and therefore sincere request to Navi Mumbai resident mongers.. please start a political party Narthya aur Seva Bar nava nirman Sena... (Request bbmk to provide much better Marathi name!) With a single point agenda of improvement of mongering experience! And who better to stand on the platform for the cause other than MK?!!
If forum strength is any indication I think he will have a comfortable win. And if we can ensure the Bengali bar girls to vote in Navi mumbai (probably they may already have Aadhar with NB address!) then it will be a landslide victory!
If it helps, based on mongerpleasure analysis, MK can try to woo Marathi manoos votes by promising quota for Marathi girls/ woman / milfs in these bars.. may put a small dent in Bengali Milfs vote, but manoos will make up for it !!
Sorry , as always went into a tangent.. but guys, have serious consideration.. it may mean few (or rather many) divorces, if your wife comes to know of your political affiliation , but hey, probably another good reason to consider !! (MK, no disrespect, just referring to the party and not the candidate as the potential reason for divorce!!)
Now back to story.. travelling from mongering desert (atleast for me!) whatever NB offers, whether muddy water, tap water, filtered water,bisleri, I guzzle it up like a nomad in a oasis (come to think of it, Kishor beers does taste like muddy water!, but who cares when your tongue is getting cleaned by another tongue!!. Please don't remind me of where the other tongue would have been previously, I don't want to know!!)
So for me, instead of segregation of SB/DB/OB patrons , just like there are Bangaloreans, mumbaikars, delhiite, Calcuttans etc. but collectively under Indians, there are Mayurean.. cabanist..snehite..heavenikar...etc., and collectively under mongerers!! For record, I am a Mayurean now!
Few highlights from bar hopping over 3 nights: with usual suspects: MK, AR and AA..
Sai Darbar: first floor, around 6PM, Friday. Wanted to go there to meet Nikita from Kishor as I had not met her in my last two trips... As soon as me and MK sat at a corner table, my old muse turned up with a surprise look that I have showed up after nearly 2 years! Like most mongers who have cribbed about familiarity breeding contempt/ complacency , same happened..she sat without any invite.. there goes my hope of getting intimate with Nikita! Anyway bar is too brightly lit for any intimacy..
Have known this girl (now a woman),for nearly 10 years.. in that time her family has doubled and so has her weight ! Once a new comer happy with what you gave, she is now a veteran equating everything with how much she can make! She did complement me on my man boobs though. You see I was wearing a very tight t-shirt that day (it had shrunk, wrong size etc etc., yes, it is t-shirts fault and not that I have grown fat) , she pointed out that it is tighter than her choli and also warned me that some drunkard might mistake it for a bar girls and squeeze it on my way out.. I was like, what, have you not seen my bald head and moustache? Her response, when did a drunkard look a woman neck up? Fair enough.. bitch.
(AA, now you know why I was wearing boardroom standard formal shirt the next day !!).
MK struggled to get his company to dance and after few attempts and hundreds spent , escape...
Overall would recommend as an alternative (just for a night) to Deepika, Laila, Sainath..
Kishor: Visited around 4PM, think Sunday (on an average of 8 beers a night, finding it hard to remember which day I visited a bar!!). Inner room , all tables empty.. After settling down, few girls dropped in to say hello.. without makeup..enough to reject. AR gave my requirements to the waiter and in comes Rajni.. A milf of extraordinary proportions.. camflouged in saree. As beggars can't be choosers , got her to sit. A big liar she is.. following were her lies: this is her first bar job. Doesn't drink alcohol. From West Bengal and not East Bengal! Why I think these are lies? Pound for pound she will give tough competition to the bong bulls of Sneha and Sai Darbar, so it was hard to believe what she said!
As soon as she sat, she went into attacking mode, took my hand to her boobs and took hers to mine (come on guys, not boobs, somewhere below).. poor woman she did not know that even the mighty Google search engine has failed to locate my dick, so it would be near to impossible for her to find.. she did try for 5-10 minutes and finally asked 'kidhar he?'.. I told her my brother has taken Sanyas and gone for pilgrimage and that I have to sit to pee.. either my Hindi is bad or hers is(okay, mine is), the joke was lost in translation and she continued for another 5 minutes before finally giving up.. she then turned her attention to my mouth and vacuumed it for good 10 minutes.. nice kisser

. Seeing a geriatric doing all this was making AR sick, so settled bill and left..
Overall a very good company and will recommend her to the matadors who poke their sword (no pun intended!) at the snehite and darbaristan bulls..
Two points though: sometimes her vacuuming skills is a bit much and since your lips will be getting chewed at that time you may not be able to communicate to her to stop.. so develop an advance code/ sign if you want her to stop !!
If you let her to place her trunks (sorry, legs) on top of your thighs, make sure while you get up from the seat you hold on to something.. Her legs are on heavier side and when it is on your thighs it cuts off blood circulation from your lower limb making you wobbly while standing.. so make sure you have enough support !!
Mayur: As a Mayurean, loyalty took me there on all evenings.. Eyed a woman who was in saree one day, ghagra choli on another, and jeans on another day.. hoping to see her without any next time !!
Don't think people need my recommendation for this bar.. it will be like trying to sell beer to mallya !
Sunil : My first visit, thanks AR, definitely worth the travel.. After seeing my antics at Kishor with Rajni, AR wanted to get it out of his system, so travelled to Sunil. Unfortunately his muse was off that day, but we had very good company.. The girl who sat with me was, in her own words " Hi, I am Sonu, that's my nick name, real name is Riya".. yes, she saw me speaking in English with AR and did her best to converse with me in English.. Great attitude and good company.. allowed boni in choli.. can dance as well. Big drawback is, she is non stop nonsense.. speaks continuously.. She is from Hubli, so any kannadagaaru wants to talk dirty in his mother tongue, try her !!
another drawback is pestering black/ white coats.. but I went with AR and since he is well known there (with most girls as well!) , did not had much trouble at the table..
Overall a worth visit, provided traffic is kind to you..
Baywatch : spent an hour or so here. Of all the places visited, the beer was freshest here. Was really cold and bubbly.. if you rely on public transport , forget visiting here. If you take auto/Ola/Uber getting one on return is very difficult. If you take your own transport, make sure you tip the Watchman to keep a lookout of your vehicle.. This bar is in the middle of huge industrial complex with tankers and lorries more common than cars.. Girls are quite decent looking.. would like to visit again just for the beer, but don't think the travel is worth it..
Ramesh : had the best fun here. Just like Kishor, irrespective of the surroundings, you feel content and happy. We went during OB time and the floor girls were dancing their heart out.. well worth the money spent..
Nightingale: went during OB time, don't think will visit here again. Beer quality was excellent though..
Cabana: My first visit.. DB time.. thanks AA.. another few more visits I am pretty sure I will switch my allegiance from being a Mayurean to Cabanist (not all can be like Dhoni sticking to the same club forever!!). This of course if only AA settles the bill ! ( If this statement reminds you of tiny blood sucking creature .. you are a bastard.. if you did not think of it but now think, "oh, maybe".. you are a bigger bastard !!)
In summary, Cabana is like you love it or hate it, but cannot ignore it (borrowing from marmite !!)
Star night: went on Saturday night hoping it will be empty due to IPL. But with match ending early , there was not one seat available.. infact the black coat offered to take the seats placed on the podium for the ob girls and keep it somewhere where we could sit! It was that full.. it was too much crowded so left without spending any time.. hopefully next visit..
Guruprasad: not part of NB, but including here to narrate the story to support the warning in FR audience note (finally!! ).. Post NB bar hopping, one night there was still an hour or so left, so went to Guruprasad in Chembur..I am familiar wih this place so wanted to visit again.. once reached the Watchman said bandh hogaya.. it was only 1AM and I know for sure that it normally runs close to 2. Was not sure if he was bluffing as I could still hear music, so asked him to call black coat Krishna ( I was bluffing this time as I am not very good with names , normally there will always be a waiter called Krishna!).. he asked Krishna koan? I continued with , the one with slightly dark skin, thick hair, thick moustache!! Luckily there was one who fitted the description and who recognized me as well !!
Went up, found only few patrons and just 1 girl.. usually there will be 7-8 girls.. asked what happened and the waiter said there was a bit of fight between two patrons.. one of them was dancing throughout the night on the floor and the other , seated opposite, applauded and said some encouraging words.. when both were in bathroom, the dancer mistaking the others gesture as something for fancying him seemed to have behaved inappropriately!! Result: fight !! Not sure why someone gay visited ladies dance bar (probably he is bi-sexual!!).. so there you go , a note of warning, you might be getting unwanted attention when encouraging unknown mongers dance moves !!! Don't get yourself into situations to join #wetoo !!
The final night I was cutting it really short to make it to airport.. was having great fun at Ramesh OB and was in two minds to postpone.. finally common sense prevailed and with AA help got back to hotel to collect luggage.. as these guys were really taken great effort and personal time to bar hop with me, once near the hotel, thanked them and wanted to say few words.. AA, being the polite guy he is, said "Basu da, you need to catch the flight, get off".. I was still continuing, when AR, came to the rescue as ever.. "Chutiya, ye kya bhakvaas baath Karke baithe huye he.. Bandh Kar aur gaadi se uthaar.. OB jaane ke liye dher o rahee he".. something like that !!
So there I was in middle of a deserted road waiting to travel back to mongering desert while two heartless bastards went in search of 'heaven'....
PS: as always without MK, AR, AA it would not have been possible to have even 10% of the fun if I had been on my own.. Grateful guys, hope to see soon...
PPS : If you have survived this far reading the nonsense, congratulations, you are saved from any more posts for another 5-6 weeks! Happy mongering guys.. as wise men say, Discussions are to find what is right while argument is for who is right.. hoping there will be discussions in forum and not arguments..
PPPS: TL69, was looking forward to read your dinner and dessert post.. may have to wait for few more weeks. Hoping you can complete it..
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