Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
...there are lots of reviews re: Cindy... unfortunately, many hijacked by usual idiots, hard to read for info...Cindy sounds enticing, though i wish she has bigger chest!

...most, incl Happyman, rave re: her good looks & great body...
Another post (different guy) here w/min review:

Cindy @ Shangri La Wellness
Alright your life is not in danger. Qing is not gonna come to SL and blast you with a shotgun.

...I met her (see beginning post) but had appmnt w/Lucy...

...Cindy=petite spinner model type face & figure... most reviewers say small boobs, but not flat... but Russian finish not possible...
...u like this type girl? Then she is right in middle of your range... she'd look weird w/big boobs... Shangri-la not really big-boob spa...