
  1. M

    I Want To Introduce Other Living Fish To My Betta?

    I have a 2 gallon tank with no filter and he has rocks for the bottom,and he has a place to hide,he seems like a happy fish,I've only seen him 'puff out' his fins and get angry twice,I've had him for about 2 months..Can I introduce him to other fish? if so,what kinds..and will I have to make any...
  2. O

    Can I introduce multiple fish into an aquarium at the same time?

    Tomorrow I plan to purchase 3 glofish and 2 otocinclus. The guy at petsmart says I can introduce them at the same time. They also sold me a terrarium plant to put in my aquarium (which I am returning tomorrow). So needless to say, I don't trust them and would like some professional advice...
  3. L

    how should i clean my 5 gallon fish tank? newbie fish owner here?

    i have a 5 gallon fish tank with 2 riyukin fishes and looked like this i bought a vacuum for the gravel but it wont fit in properly in the tank. so can you give me tips how to clean it? should i place the fishes in a different bowl while i clean the...
  4. chinghanlim

    Fish Reflexology? Where?

    Well, I've heard of fish reflexology, the one where there's a "pond" of fish and you put your feet inside, and the fish will eat on your dead skin. I would like to ask, other than in sentosa, where in singapore has this fish reflexology service?
  5. Ã

    Mike n' Ike's or Sweedish Fish?

    Which do you prefer? They are two of my most favorite candies!!!!! Also, what is your favorite flavor of them? Mike n Ike- green and red Fish- Plain
  6. S

    I have a male siamese fighting fish, And I want to introduce a female as he...

    ...has made a bubble nest.? I introduced the female and she started attacking his fins.Is this normal behavior? He is meant to make a nest and then he cares for the eggs. Please people work with me!!!
  7. M

    Sweedish Fish vs Gummy Worms?

    This is just to settle an argument between me and a friend.
  8. S

    Fish recipe for a total fish newbie?

    I've never eaten fish in my life, my mom tried to get me used to it when I was small, but it ended with me puking, so she gave up. Now I'm 35 and ready to give it a try to widen my horizon and enrich my menu. I have to say though, I am very paranoid about the grates and I don't like the...
  9. Ã

    I don't eat fish. How can I slowly introduce myself?

    I only eat chicken breast. buti like japan, and i wantto get used to japanese cuisines. also every resturant serves fish, not chicken. so what fish is best to start with. im kidna scared ive only been eating tuna in a can and some anchovies...any good sauce recipes to try?? also how much fat...
  10. D

    ermm few question on fish filters etc newbie ere?

    hi i bought a fish tank and wonderd how often u have to clean the tank out how often should you clean the filter im having to clean my fish tank out every two weeks could it be the filtre its only 21 ltres i know its only small i have goldfish too
  11. V

    I would like to introduce more fish to my diet but have to make sure I am

    ordering the correct fish!? Can anyone give me a list of fish (eg, scallops, monk fish, cod etc) and what they are called in Spanish. Also if anyone has any good recipe's for fish dishes then that would be appreciated too.Many thanks for your time.
  12. A

    Is is alright to introduce wild marine fishes in fish tanks?

    Is it alright to introduce wild marine fishes in salt water aquarium? (If i happend to caught small grouper or snapper or rabbitfish) What other species can i introduce? i wonder if i can keep scads, they usually live in schools..
  13. saraintheski

    gummie bears VS. sweedish fish VS. gummy worms?

    SWEEDISH FISH i love gummies mwahahaaha i also like jew fruit slices lmao
  14. F

    if your name was tuttie and you could be a sweedish fish that jumps on

    trampolines..would you meet OBAMAAAAA? obama is my momma and i love it so dearly, please answer my question because i know i would love to eat my sugar pumps after 3 o clock while staring out my window wanting to touch a pineapple in my yard that is swinging on the tree branches. i always...
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