
  1. K

    what is in sweedish fish?

    ok so my mom ate sweedish fish and her jaw started to feel funny and i wanna know why?
  2. T

    new fish to introduce into my tank?

    I have three fish, one fancy black moor goldfish and two fancy goldfish. i love them to death but they are gross, smelly, dirty fish. i have a tank with a filter and i regularly clean the tank. I have been thinking about purchasing snails, sucker fish, or another type of "bottom feeder" to add...
  3. S

    fish newbie seeking imeadite help!!!!what's up with my fishes?

    so, i just set up my tank today. i went out early and got almost everything i was sure i needed for my dinos . i got a 5 gallon tank, gravel, a heater, a filter, plants, a littlt cave/rock thing, and then i set it all up at home, got the heater running and then headed out around 5:30 to get fish...
  4. saraintheski

    gummie bears VS. sweedish fish VS. gummy worms?

    SWEEDISH FISH i love gummies mwahahaaha i also like jew fruit slices lmao
  5. K

    what is in sweedish fish?

    ok so my mom ate sweedish fish and her jaw started to feel funny and i wanna know why?
  6. S

    How many days after Nutrafin Cycle is administered complete can fish be introduced?

    I have completed all 3 days of doses of nutrafin cycle, the people at the pet store tell me after 24 hours of the final dose, fish can be introduce, but i dont trust them. I am working with a 36 gallon aquarium, so what are everyones experiences? the ammonia is very low, and nitrates are...
  7. S

    Introducing New Fish -Rainbow / Dwarf Shrimp: Are they toxic to other fish species?

    My parents recently acquired some new fish for the aquarium. We have had a balanced tank for a long time now with no real big problems. Our tank has been filled with a variety of Tetras from Neon and Black Tetras to some Phantoms and some bottom feeders, we even had a male Beta and they were all...
  8. H

    Newbie to fishing. Where should I fish at Rice Lake and what should I use?

    I am not planning on catching any specific fish, I have a bauble and a normal hook with a 10-15 pound line. 1. When I go fishing my line keeps wrapping around the end of my fishing rod. How can I prevent this? 2. What is the best area to go fishing at rice lake, i.e. which way to enter...
  9. saraintheski

    gummie bears VS. sweedish fish VS. gummy worms?

    SWEEDISH FISH i love gummies mwahahaaha i also like jew fruit slices lmao
  10. K

    what is in sweedish fish?

    ok so my mom ate sweedish fish and her jaw started to feel funny and i wanna know why?
  11. C

    Introduced new fish with my other fish, i think they're fighting?

    I had 4 neon tetras, 3 of them passed away and then i just had one, i had him for a few weeks and he seemed happy, but i figured i would get some new fish to keep him company since he is in a really big tank. I got 3 zebrafish and one fantailed guppy. My fish was trying to school with the...
  12. T

    My LFS is having a sale so I have to introduce my fish sooner than I wanted. Any

    advice? My LFS is having a sale starting monday . It's not really local so I have to drive about an hour. Anyway, the sale is on alot of fish including the ones I want. I was going to buy two dwarf gouramis. Male because I heard that if you have two males they wont be aggressive and...
  13. E

    How do you introduce a fish to new water in a new bowl from what they came...

    ...from (plastic container) ? I went to a christmas lights switch on with my friends and they had a fair. One of my friends won me a gold fish, im going to buy a fish tank tomorrow. but i dont know what water to put in it, and do i just put the fish in new water or what? please help!
  14. M

    i just introduced live plants, weather this will affect discus fish?

    earlier i have plastic plants and today i iremoved plastics one and introduced live plants, just worried abt any stress induct because of sudden changes in water properties.... just wanted to know ...i sthere any symtoms of fishes being under stress.
  15. S

    Newbie fish owner? fish questions?

    How often should I do partial changes and full tank changes to a 5 gallon tank? (it has a filter + only holds 3 fish, one betta and 2 goldfish- we aren't going to get anymore). When do I change the gravel? Is there anything signs that I should look for in a sick fish? If so, what should I...
  16. K

    what is in sweedish fish?

    ok so my mom ate sweedish fish and her jaw started to feel funny and i wanna know why?
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