
  1. R

    Best fish for a newbie?

    Okay, so here's the deal. I tried adopting a dog about a week ago and realized it wasn't for me. I needed a "pet" that was a little more... independent. Aside from the occasional goldfish I owned as a kid (that died after about two weeks, mind you) I've never owned any fish. Tips and...
  2. U

    How do you introduce a kuhli loach to your fish tank?

    I bought 3 kuhli loaches for my 10 gallon tank. there the black ones. when i was acclimating them 2 of them fell ON THE FLOOR! aghhhhhhhhhhh plz help will htey be ok? and how to put them in my tank? do i acclimate them like fish. sry for having 2 questions similar but yeah
  3. U

    how do you introduce a kuhli loach to a fish tank?

    I bought 3 kuhli loaches for my 10 gallon tank with sand substrate. when i was acclimating them, 2 of them fell out of the bag i huridly rushed to pick them up! how do i deal with this? will they be okay? and i want to know how to acclimate them? dop i acclimat ethem like normal fish or what...
  4. gaBed

    "Little fish"

    This place used to be at 20 Wertheim #16...went there last week and it looked locked up. No more ads in Eye or Now either. Anyone know where they may have moved to? Mileage was excellent...the girls were named 'Tofie" and "Monica". Both chinese.
  5. C

    The population of a certain species of fish introduced into a lake is described... the logistic equation G(? 6) The population of a certain species of fish introduced into a lake is described by the logistic equation G(t) =10,000/(1 + 24e-1.2t) where G(t) is the population after t years. Find the point at which the growth rate of this population begins to decline...
  6. T

    introducing new fish with ick treatment?

    can you introduce new fish into a tank if the water has treatment for ich/ick in it??
  7. M

    Just introduced by Betta fish to another he happy?

    I just transferred by Betta into an already existing 10 gallon tank with 2 cories, 3 tetras, and molly and a platy. I let him float in a bag for 15 minutes to see the other fish, then put him in. It's been about 30 minutes and they haven't attacked him at all, just checking him out. Thing is...
  8. R

    asian fish tank...

    where can I find an asian fish tank like the one in rush hour 2? god what a fantasy...20 gilrs to select from... ...i want you and you and what the heck you as well...
  9. A

    How can you introduce a fish to a new tank?

    Im getting a 75 gallon tank to separate my monster fish with my colorful fish. Im also going to separate my crayfish so it will not eat my new fish. My colorful fish lives in a 10 gallon fish tank and the spotted ger is getting big so I need to separate him. Im also getting a small arowana so he...
  10. Z

    is it ok for a male teenager to get a fish pedicure and a body massage?

    Ok so im nearly 17 and i do alot of physical training in boxing and public services course(involves alot of physcial work for fitness). i get alot of body pains(legs, neck, back, shoulders) especially the lower back. so i was wondering about gettin a full body massage, but im not sure, would it...
  11. K

    what is in sweedish fish?

    ok so my mom ate sweedish fish and her jaw started to feel funny and i wanna know why?
  12. ?

    When is the last time you ate Sweedish fish?

    Its been a while for me :P
  13. S

    Secret Way To Catch Fish

    A fisherman Reviewom the city was out fishing on a lake in a small boat. He noticed another man in a small boat open his tackle box and take out a mirror. Being curious the man rowed over and asked, "What is the mirror for?" "That's my secret way to catch fish," said the other man. "Shine...
  14. T

    The Irish Priest Who Loved To Fly Fish

    An Irish priest loved to fly fish, it was an obsession of his. So far this year the weather had been so bad that he hadn't had a chance to get his beloved wadders on and his favourite flies out of their box Strangly though, every Sunday the weather had been good, but of course Sunday is the...
  15. hmm.

    The Fish Watching the Fly

    There was this fish, and this fish was watching a fly, the fish wanted the fly to drop six inches so he could jump and eat it. There was a bear on the shore, he wanted the fly to drop six inches so the fish would jump and the bear could swipe the fish for lunch. There was a hunter in the...
  16. Shawn

    Introducing the betta fish pair?

    hi, i have followed every step of the way and just 2days ago i let the female out of the chimney. Since then the female chased the male around a little (which is wierd, since the male is suppose to) and they act like they dont even care about eachother. When the female was in the chimney. the...
  17. W

    Newfie Fish Story (another oldie)

    A Newfie was stopped by a game warden recently with two ice chests full of fish. He was leavin' a cove well-known for its fishing. The game warden asked the man, 'Do you have a license to catch those fish?' 'Naw, sir', replied the Newfie. 'I ain't got none of dem dere licenses. I don't...
  18. J

    Get ready for some terrible fish jokes...

    What did the sardine call the submarine? A can of people this a good one
  19. M

    A fly, a fish, a bear, a hunter, a mouse and a cat

    ¦!·;3611351']In the dead of summer a fly was resting among leaves beside a stream. The hot, dry fly said to no one in particular "Gosh, if I go down six inches I will feel the mist from the water and I will be refreshed." There is a fish in the water thinking, "Gosh, if that fly goes...
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