been lucky so far the girl i see regulary in Karon gets paid wages for a cashiers job,dosnt go with customers (they all say that so dont really know), she never wants money of me, we sms/email she even speak to my mother when i get to Karon (costs me a fortune lol)..
Feel guilty that she never takes a penny of me,have tried to put it in her bag when not looking,but then find it in my drawer later (she comes to room and that while at beach so hides it away for me to find lol),all she asks for is that damn cologen drink,yogurt,hair stuff.. So last time i left i bought her lots of bracelets (she loves the damn things) and just dotted them around the room so she found them when she woke up and i was gone to airport,she absolutley loved it finding little pressies here and there..
So am wondering if i have actually found the one,as we both really like eachother,guess this trip will tell....