txmassage, Seebs,
Massage Suite v1.6, which will be released in a few days, allows you to create a session record and SOAP notes from the appointment calendar.
The appointments on the calendar in Massage Suite are color coded by therapist. You can view/print a report of appointments by therapist (or client) if you want.
You can color code and/or use notations on the SOAP notes.
txmassage comments:
"I wonder if they can make it sync up to a palm?". Unfortunately the answer is no. There is a lot more to an appointment in Massage Suite than just a day and time. Using a laptop with the program is the best way to take it with you.
Seebs comments:
"There is virtually no integration between...". Massage Suite is designed to allow you to choose what you want to use. If I required you to make an appointment before you could make a session record, I'm sure that some people would be unhappy because they prefer to use a Daytimer for their appointments. As I stated above, in response to requests that I have received, the ability to right click on an appointment and create the session and SOAP note has been added.
"the highly customizable parts seemed good but are usually just confusing...". When it comes to new software, the learning curve is not at the top of peoples favorite things to do list. I would be glad to help you out if you want to send me an email.