I appreciates the original post, as an occasional visitor to mps(once a month) and as some one who doesn't want my indulgence reveled to anyone, I would like to be informed to situations like this, as common as they are I would like to avoid them, so I do find his post valuable. The only other valuable post is a believe Doug 888 who said talked to mamasan and just routine because I now now that this spa has passed inspection and will probably not have a problem in the future(my interpretation anyways). I don't go to places that offer fs, I do things within mp limits, sessions can get out of hand sometimes, but I know that caught in doesn't have to be me having sex put anyone in the spa, I take those chances willingly because I don't think the cops are looking to hard for that. The drugs on the other hand are what I worry about because I once spent 6 hours detained at the border with 40 other people because one person on the bus had a shit load of drug on the bus. So mp2 is correct no need to be scared, just be cautious as normal but I disagree that this kind of information shouldn't be share, this is a information board thats why it is here.
To sum it up Fujiyama- cops at spa - talked to manager - just routine - sound like a good spa to visit.