It's safe as owner hand in glove with local crime branch official holds 25% stake in u see,it's safest as of now..
Being clean joint and decent ambience,many college going chiks with their hunks prefer this joint over other shabby joints nearby like Sai guest house,Sai Chhatra,shell in,shelter palace,Priya lodge,kuber, solitaire,Sagar Krupa etc.etc.
One better option to take your loyal gf would be fantasee hotel opposite royal Oak bar at the entrance of Satra plaza as this hotel simply denies entry to bar girls and clients but allows only married couples (WTF...;-) ).
BC I hv seen bar girls donning 100 rupee mangalsutra to get entry inside this hotel(bro,I am not scaring you)..hehehe..
If u r with ur "would be wife" like gf,then only option is Sarang hotel near Sai Pooja and sadguru db/SB... opposite RTO office sector 19 Vashi.
Take your pick,bro..