I venture into SBs. This is my liking based on my needs. On Wednesday, , visited Sneha (FR posted), and had SP girl for night in the hotel (by the way, many SP girls i have met are DB dropouts. For some reason, they are fully into FS. Some part time into FS).
Yesterday planned to visit Sai Darbar or Mayur. However, tired due to night fun, changed plan and decided to visit DB today.
After exploring SBs, may be I have come of age so to say. Not that I haven't visited DBs earlier. However, earlier, i just went, had drink & came back. Made girls seat in DB and also made her dance a few times a long while ago.
Yesterday decided to break the shacles. (I still work with limited budget and that's one of the reason for my love for SB).
With this background, visited Cabana yesterday @ 6:30 pm. Few girls. Still coming. Ordered beer (expensive than many other bars). After a while, srated a tall, fair girl. She said she is new. Had a chit chat. Redbull for girl. Couldn't do grouping or even touching here & there as was seating in front of orchestra and no privaxy at all.
Three men on table adjascent to mine were enjoying dances with two girls alternatively. They were dancing well even on slow bit songs. Forgot the songs actually. One was Pooja I was told (not sure about the name of other girl).
Left after a beer. The staff wanted tips. Everyone surroundes me. Just paid to the guys serving my table. Next time plan to sit on corner seat and look for more meaningful fun...
Wanted to order one more beer.. However, a coatwala in Roal Palace was inviting to come for a long time.. so devided to drop in there.
more interested in this khopchi DB bar at Kalamboli. However, mood was off as the coatwala had said already that there is no grouping posdible.
It is a simple bar. Looks like a b grage movie in front of the a grade movies such as nightingale and Cabana...
The coatwala was waiting and made me comfortable. He asked one girl to join me. She can dancing. The laila song was playing. She danced well and perspirating. Then i made her seat. A typical MILF, slim Kolkata girl. I have eying another eye candy since last visit. She was busy still came to shake hands. She has chirpy voice though. Did bohni to her. Left the bar at 9:30 pm.
Missed SBs though enjoyed DBs today.
Some day wish to join a senior or group for different experience of mongering.
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