That article, as any other good or bad, is pointing to possibility that or another.Ashkenazic Jews are the descendants of Greeks, *Iranians* and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism.
Turkish villages of Iskenaz, Eskenaz, and Ashanaz were part of the original homeland for Ashkenazic Jews.
Hope this helps.
Scientists reveal Jewish history's forgotten Turkish roots
Israeli-born geneticist believes the Turkish villages of Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz were part of the original homeland for Ashkenazic Jewswww.independent.co.uk
When I am referring to nazis propaganda of @stripfan I referring to something completely different.
When negative facts ( or assumptions) are assigned not to the person but to the nation.
When the obvious lie is presented as a truth.
When physical features are caricatured to ugliness
When the Hollocoust is mocked, etc.
You and all know exactly what I am referring to.
Did I think about shutting your motherfackers up by complaining to the admin or forum management ?
Of course I did, it would be so easy... After all, the whole forum is beyond !!! the Grey area.
But shutting down is not changing minds, and I am trying to change the ugliness in @stripfan and you and Lovespeach and others who feel comfortable with Nazi wording and memes.
Nevertheless, the mode of stripfan posting 24/7 indeed raises the concerns of a dedicated team (Russian or Iranian) working behind the scenes, and then it is a completely different story.
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