I was out of town last week Met up with a friend who's a popular striper in that city (and I'm pretty sure semi-hooker) we went to the same high school. As per usual, we go out, get loaded and meet up with all the same people who never really changed. She's actually the younger sister of a friend who has no idea what she does - early to mid-20's girl.
Later that night we get to talking. After much alcohol the talk between us is much more honest. For whatever reason, she values my opinion and wants to know what I think of her choices in life, probably b/c if I see no issues, maybe she can come clean with her brother - she used to be close with him. I let her know that I don't judge, and if she's comfortable doing what she's doing what's the problem?
We get into the "how good my life is" talk. Now this is where some of ya'll need to PAY ATTENTION! ---
Throughout the night her cell phone is constantly ringing. Even at 4am when we're down to the last drop of booze it's still ringing. I make a comment; "you're a popular girl", she replies; "you have no idea"...She dials up her voicemail on another speaker phone so we can both hear..."You have 22 new Messages", she plays them all for our entertainment...
The ones I remember the most were all along the lines of...
"Baby, I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you tomorrow...blah, blah, blah"..."That's my driver, he's such a looser..." she says.
"Sweety, I want to feel your body beside me, I know it's only been a day but I miss you so much"...her response to that is; "eeeeeewwwww, that guy is like 45 or something and thinks I'm into him. He thinks he's so hot, but he's so old and wrinkly! YUK! He's barely got any cash but he's good for a few hundred a week anyway..."
"I just wanted to say hello, see how you're doing. If you get a chance, call me back..." her response; "Fuck, this guy thinks for a few hundred a week he's going to bother me all the time! What's wrong with these guys?!
"I'm lying here in bed right now thinking of you, let's go shopping and out for dinner Friday"...She says; "This guy get's an erection every time he buys me something. I'm pretty sure I'll get a diamond out of him soon"...
There were quite a few like; "Hey, why don't you call me back? Is everything ok?"...Response; "another guy that met me at the club and thinks he's going to get some for free - pay or don't call!"
Don't be one of these guys!