Hey Black, I wasn't disagreeing with you, I opened with ^^^ exactly meaning I agree with you.
As for my comment "we all die alone". No matter how many people are in the room, dying is a very private personal thing. No one is inside your head therefore you're effectively "alone". Now there can be people around you soothing you, holding your hand, telling you you are loved etc but when that spark goes out, all those people aren't going to help you. Don't know if you understand, I forget which book I got that all from, but it was bang on.
Anyhow, there's pros and cons to being single, and in a relationship. I've had both and frankly, I much prefer the solo life. You know, all my life I was searching searching chasing chasing playing games, changing the way I was, all to 'get' women. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Was it all worth it in the end? Nope....not in the least. I've had some amazing relationships but for each, I've spent years and wasted hours and hours x 3 to get there.
I know a lot of guys feel the same way. Wasted hours and energy chasing women and going home frustrated and alone. Get it? after all the "work" they (we) are still alone.
The pinacle moment (I guess it was like when people find god) was one night I was out with some friends. We went for dinner first and I said "i'm not letting the rejection get to me, tonight I will NOT give up....". 12 hrs, 5 bars, 2 restaurants and a house party later, after approaching, hitting on, asking to dance, trying to strike up a convo with 27 women...I said "wtf" am I doing? Forget THIS shit........
Ever since then really, I've been happier than a pig in shit. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders that I've been carrying around all my life. I can honestly say that I've probably spent half my adult life in the pursuit of women.......what a WASTE......in that time I could have gone to university, got my master carpenter's ticket, sailed around the world. Instead, what do I have? SFA to show for my effort......
So, for those that have to "work" at a relationship? Whatever floats your boat. Me? I'd rather work at being happy...........
Oh, just one more thing: I have made it known I moved to Muskoka. A month after I moved here I bought that sportster. I became pretty good friends with my R/E agent and his wife. When he saw my bike he said, oh man, I'd love one of those......I said 'so buy one', the people I bought mine from have another in silver.....Know what his answer was? Nope. Wife won't let him. I mentioned it to her when he was off doing something she said "no, he can't, we need a better car, might buy a bigger house, we're going to have a baby, etc etc etc" I thought...."sucker" lol..there but by the grace of god go I............