Hey Qster. The long term provider that moved. Would that be Miss V?
I would pay a tiney fortune to see her again
So would I... So would I. But Ms. V's story was different, she LIVED in Edmonton and we let her slip away. What I said was really a mashed-up tale of a bunch of similar things I have heard from different ladies.
When I told the story, I was originally thinking of Ms. V's student, Ms. Angela, who lives in Vancouver, came to work in Calgary 3 weeks at a time, 3 weeks on, one week off but only the summer months etc etc, she makes up her own rules now. We are still fortunate enough that we can still see Angela when she visits Calgary. Although we consider Ms. V and Ms. Angela's services to be surperior here, when I visit Ms. V's old spa in Richmond, almost everyone there is younger and provides the same level of service at a lower price than what we pay here, around $180 an hour. Competitions do drive up service level and drive down prices. As a lady age, it becomes harder to compete in a market like Vancouver, you can only up your service level so much. My pure guess only, if Ms. Angela works in Vancouver, she is probably the same $180 per hour but in Calgary she is charging $280 an hour (unless you are Albertaman, she likes him so he pays less, lol). Supply and demand, there is a limited supply of Ms. Angela in this market and there was an excess demand; but who knows that will happen after this mess.
Then I realized that the story was also echoed by several others. Like Lily (not her real name, one of her usual stage names when she visited our town), a non-RMT micro girl I have learned to like; she lives in Vancouver with her mother & child, comes to Alberta to work 2 months at a time and she rotates through c-town, e-town, Red Deer, etc etc; if you think our prices are high here, wait till you see the Grande Prairie and Fort Mac prices. Also, similar to a regular RMT that I visit here, I have decided not to use her name here as I am sure she does not want too many to know that she actually lives at the spa. Some of you old dogs probably already know which spa, where the second room on the left is the visiting girls' sleeping quarter. Lastly, a different spa in Calgary, Albertaman would know this one, the spa where the sisters operate, their sleeping quarter in right at the back and all of that spa's ladies come from Vancouver; I was fortunate enough to get to hang out in the room while the girls eat their supper.
On a complete side note, hanging out in the backroom taught me one thing, we are on cctv as soon as we are within 100m of the door, we try to be discreet when we walk up but it usually does not work, the girls are almost always right as to who is a customer and who is going to walk straight on by.