"GENTLEMAN" an important message
Most customer service is a fantasy - the person being paid trying to keep things professional and civil, and on an unbeat tone.
I know there are some here who like to degrade women, or think that SPs are degradable - and that attitude is beyond lame, it really pisses me off. I don't get why there's all these haters here saying 'well you got paid, so reach down between a pair of fat, sweaty, unwashed ass cheeks and take a tug at the nuts'.
Me, I'd be embarrassed to be with a woman if I had a dirty ass - showering RIGHT BEFORE A SEX ACT makes me feel comfortable. I would expect an SP who encounters disgusting personal hygene to make tacful mention of it - 'go hose yourself down, loser' or something equally as diplomatic.
Women who work in the trade deserve to be treated with respect! Show some, get some back. Take a shower, have a shave, put on some deodorant, some aftershave or cologne!! I really don't care how much you just laid out for a hottie - she probably has to get over her gag reflex because you probably aren't a hunk yourself, otherwise you wouldn't be getting take-out, right? Why make it even harder on her by being a dirty slob?
And yeah, I expect that the woman doesn't come at me with Seven Kinds of Cock Breath and has cleaned up too. I sure don't want to be lapping some other guy's spunk off've a well oiled pair after her last Russian.