Been away for a while. Good to see the debates on important topics though not related to massage are still around and thriving. Opinions and discussion over forums are good entertainment.
My stance is this. I believe in the vaccines. You can not argue with the results they have produced. Worldwide they have been amazing. Here in Ontario we went from 4000+ cases per day in April with piss poor vaccine rollout, to under 300 now with more than enough vaccines for everyone.
Are the vaccines perfect? No. But there has Never ever been one that is. Most of you are not old enough to know much about other pandemics of past… latest being polio…. But you would not be here without a vaccine for that. The science that went on to create what we have now is nothing short of incredible. 90%+ efficacy! That is insane. And 100% guaranteed you won’t die FROM THE DISEASE.
Are there chances of something happening? Yes. VIIT is a real thing and it is unfortunate and it is even more unfortunate how it was handled. Even Pfizer now has a small thing about heart inflammation and possibility of myocarditis. Also unfortunate. But in the grand scheme of things….. in my opinion they are still worth it.
Many many people die from allergic reactions to medicines each year. Penicillin, insulin….. fuck even peanuts and shellfish can kill you. But you don’t see people arguing on forums about that!
We live in a world where new is scary and will always have skeptics and theorists. What IS true is facts and numbers. The virus isn’t going away by itself. It is going away because a huge SIGNIFICANT number of people have weighed the pros and cons and had their vaccines. This reduces the overall viral load present in every setting from workplaces to hospitals, from Walmart to birthday parties. We are now winning, and it is only because of the vaccines.
To me, it doesn’t matter if you get it or not. I did, two doses, and I know I’m going to be fine. 6 months ago I didn’t know that. Nobody did. Now roughly 25% of people in Ontario can say that and more and more each day.
What happens then is this: those who choose to go unvaccinated will eventually get sick and build their own immunity that way, or they won’t. They may die. That’s their choice. Eventually through time with that (I estimate 10% unvaccinated over the next year) the viral load will not be enough to survive and Covid will be behind us. So in the end, those who choose to not get protected will help in one way or another.
Anyway, life is a choice. What you do with it is up to you. At this point, we are well on our way to getting through this so no hard feelings if that’s what you want to do. Thank you to all who have, I’ll buy you a round perhaps in Maui or Montego Bay maybe one day, while those who stood up for their “freedom” are stuck here.