Since you posted this on May 28th and I already addressed it, I'm just copying and pasting my previous response.
"Interestingly enough, the guy on the other side of that conversation with TPH got vaccinated. Go figure.
Also since you like links, here's an explanation on how covid deaths are reported.
As the U.S. death toll nears a half-million, confusion continues over whether people die “of” COVID-19 or “with” COVID-19. Here’s what’s behind the numbers.
l'll give you a quick explanation here though, since it might be too much reading for you.
Deaths FROM covid are usually from respiratory failure and pneumonia.
An example of a death WITH covid would be if you had a pre-existing condition that was exacerbated by covid. So in other words, you were probably managing your symptoms fine, but covid made the situation worse and you ended up passing away. Although you didn't die as a result of covid, it's still recorded as a covid death because you would most likely still be alive if you hadn't contracted it.
If you had covid and got hit by a bus, that wouldn't be recorded as a covid death."
Did you run out of things to post so you had to regurgitate your old material?