yes your PINTG definitinely PINGS with me!!
It's funny. the state of my teenage bedroom was going through my mind during some of my postings but I never mention it.
It DID get into an absolute tip - the only messy room in the house which was always totally neat and clean. One of my nice aunties sometimes used to clean itup for me when I was at school and my mother used to say 'she's a big girl let her do it herself why should you clean up after her?' and my aunty used to say 'no it's alright I don't mind!'
I loved it because I could tell my mum was really embarassed that someone form 'outside' knew that this pigsty existed so to be honest I didnt bother tidying up that much!!
I've just had another thought.
When I was about 11 I was crazy over the BaY City Rollers. I had my bedroom walls litterally plastered all over with posters.
One day I came in from school and someone had taken them all down. I don't even remember seeingthem in a pile saved for anywhere. They had just gone. I was totally devastated. There was no reason. No one was decorating. No one had mentioned it or consulted me, just went and did it. As I write this I'm getting really mad and furious!!
Another incident: when I was young I was crazy about Bunty comic. I used to buy it from my pocket money every week and sit and read every page. I loved it. I saved a nice big pile of them for ages in a drawer. I came home one day and they had gone. Thrown away. I was so upset and angry.
And also when I was young I had a dolls house which I loved. I was always playing with it. As I grew older I played with it less but obviuosly I still loved having it. I came home've guessed mother had given it away. No consultig with me . She had given it to one of my little cousins because she thought I was too old for it now and didn't play with it anyway.
Each of these times I was totally gutted. This lack of respect and courtesy and not considering my feelings or my opinion in anyway just summs it all up.
Often I have had dreams where I go into my childhood bedroom, all excited that I am getting back into my childs single bed where I did feel safe and secure and I am gutted to see someone else is sleeping in there.Usually one of my younger cousins. It's that same feeling of being gutted that someone has been given what is mine with niether a word nor a care about how I feel. I also think it's to do with feeling that these younger cousins usurped my place in my mothers affections, not just usurped my posotion in my bed.
I think you may be getting a VERY ANGRY message later on!!!
