If its after BJ, do-nothing but drink plenty of water and fluids for 2 days, and flush the invaded bacterias while BJ from hers, and have no sysmptoms of any kind. Drink beer that helps too in flushing, but without any symptoms of any kind, such as fever, body ache and headache.
But if it's well before BJ and started B4 BJ itself, then Probably have a infections, which is nothing to worry abut. Only need to identify what infection it is. As it's UTI then class A bacterial antibiotic is needed. And if it's normaly infection then other class B types etc antibiotic is required.
Causes r several, u need to findout urself for ur own body, related. Did the BJ was hard-core, or BJ was with or without any lube or lotion or dry or had some stuff which may have caused irritation or etc to u.
Depending on ur own observation, relate and treat accordingly, as infection to invade normally takes couples of hrs to days to develop, Depending on load of bacterias which multiply themselves to cause symptoms and effect themselves on to us with disease. And it takes time to such extend.
For most of Foreskin minor fungal infections, use externally "Fungal cream", and Directly do not take antibiotic bcz it may cause resistance sooner or later and those meds won't work on u.
As I'm resistance to azicip and amox. So in this case to treat any bacterial infection these antibiotic will not work for me. As I took antibiotics on my own several times.
If u have UTI- unirary track infection can be treated with only certain class antibiotics and if such classes of infection are treated with other antibiotics which is not ment for them, then there r many side effects which can happen such as, resistance or even worsening the infection. Also, if the class of Cases happening seasonally infections also depends on case to case, avoid taking antibiotic on ur own without suggesting u in written or very personal advise, as it affects onces body on a longer run.
So think urself, diagnos urself, treat urself and if required visit a doc.
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