...feel like u r catching heat for this.... I really agree w/you.
...faves... u know, its MY DICK's fave, just 2 b clear... need 2 maintain that fiction, or WTF reality... that me+fave=special...
...makes me relax, get hard, really horny, cum better... no romance here... (MPAs stopped reading right?) ...
Now, why my DICK=romantic, idk... I liked BIG TITS when me=kid.... went 2 university, & my DICK decided = liked spinners, & asians, & esp combo... I'm like a spectator, WTF u doing, she's skinny, no tits.... BOING! ...oh, ok, that's decisive...
...so my dick stubbornly insists on liking certain chix, likes connectn, rewards me... if he don't get what he wants, I become that guy u don't want around...
KL's advice=pertinent... gotta keep XTC27-JR supplied w/faves... if they start leaving fantasy zone, by friggin' not giving me their best... work w/them to get back in fantasy zone... or they gotta leave fave list... cos gotta keep JR happy...
...Lucy has let me know me="not allowed to stop seeing her" ... definitely lots more lip action, + PSE moves she added... so far, she's back in fave zone...
...& some MPA@SL been texting me all day, ALSO looking to solve my problem...

... if I wore XTC27 t-shirt on my bike, random mpa's would be after me... thank goodness for anonymity...