… yeah, must b my character… not my looks!

Im not scary lookng, but… Im way older than these gals, theyre hardly getting wet

hoping 2 get me in the rm…
Just do my best 2 give them bf experience so I can get GFE… or @ least gf vibe, a lil mouth action… Alyssa = big challenge since she doesnt flirt, I had 2 invent new way 2 increase mileage… Ive had Cdn

gfs but … shes not like them either… on holiday as a young man, me & a buddy picked up a few gals on a beach, brought’m to our tents… very innocent, nvr had bf b4, so Im telling that girl, is it ok if I kiss u…. Is it ok if I touch u here? Found out later these were 15 yr old girls, oops… anyway, Alyssa = like that… an innocent young gal who isnt shur what she’ll lemme do…
I met her again @ spa yesterday, & shes very happy 2c me… even acted disappointed that Im already w Carmen… we got a kinda chemistry now, even gotta kiss gbye…
Unlikely, MBC, we ever meet @ the spa… I nvr make eye

contact w men @ an AMP… & Ive got special spa exit door

… keep my bike hidden…