heh... *sigh*
I was expecting the shilling accusation.
Unless you posted tons of reviews or doing a negative one, you can expect some kind of shill accusations.
But the gigot-link ? lol
I didn't expect that. I guess I should have...
BTW, "my" new "writing style" is just a french guy trying to write proper English and failing miserably, lol.
I have been reading here for years. I often thought of writing some reviews but never did.
If it was a bad review I would chicken out fearing to piss off the sp (wouldn't want to see her pimp knock on my door! j/k
If it was a good review I would chicken out fearing to get trampled by veterans posters. Helping you fellow hobbyists wasn't worth the battle, sorry I'm selfish like that.
In the end nothing was motivating me enough to do it.
Now Isabelle, I've seen her a lot and I wanted to show my appreciations. So yes that's what gave me the final push to write. (Shill !!!)
Problem was, her thread was dirtied by all this mess. And I couldn't start a new one. Took me months to finally decide to post.
I think every poster has his own motivation. Most (i.e.: all) are not just doing it to help their fellow man. That's just a personal philosophy. I don't believe in pure selfless acts (if you do, maybe you should read
Mother Teresa: The Final Verdict )
Top 5 motivations (IMHO) to write a review:
1) You are pissed off at the sp and want revenge by posting a bad review.
2) You want to get some rep here so you can leverage some respect next time you post here (that's the main reason for anyone posting on any forums all over the net actually. I've seen it countless times)
3) You get some gratifications in showing what you know to other eforum.xxxites or bullying newbies (almost same a #2. But these should really get a life).
4) You like a sp and want to show your thanks by giving her a good review.
5) You want to help your fellow eforum.xxxites in choosing their next encounter... yea right... Mother Teresa would help a child only if the parents would "sign off" the right to the child to her organization! Now you're gonna tell me that someone here is a genuine good Samaritan ?
You see, on 4th positions? That's what you call shilling. Shilling accusations should only be raised when someone is writing falsehoods in exchange for services or money.
As long as the review is true we all win. Sometimes I wish there was more than 1 review a week here. CL and annonce123 are choked full with bait and switch or plain fraud. If people could post without fear of reprisal I'm sure more casual eforum.xxxites like me would post more often.
And just like cinema critique, you trust some and some others you find to have different tastes. In the end its up to each reader to choose who to believe...
I would leave the shilling moderation to the mods.
My two (inflammable) cents.