Cash flow problem?
Not only were we stingy with tips, but girls were actually
BEGGING for reviews yet we chose to be selfish about any treasures we may have found.
Now we are reaping the consequences. February is typically a slow month, but it has never been this awful. Don't blame it on the recession either because other cities seem to be dealing with it okay. The only advaneforum.xxxe we have left is that girls are being busted all over California, Connecticut, and Florida, thus making DC perhaps an attractive destination once again. When a couple of fine ass girls do trickle back in the spring, I'm going to reiterate that you follow these rules if you want more quality girls to visit.
1. Tip more for girls you like more. An extra Jackson is enough to distinguish a girl you like from average to below average girls.
2. Share your reviews with others instead of being secretive and trying to keep her to yourself, because soon you'll rather be jacking off at home instead of visiting the massage parlor if she leaves due to lack of customers.
If you don't follow rule #1, that's fine. We all have our reasons. However, there's
NO EXCUSE for failing to follow rule #2.
I stopped by 1818 and saw a girl that I already forgot the name of. Yes, that is how lackluster it was. She looked young and had a youthful face. Some may like it, but I didn't find her very attractive. About 5'6", pale-skinned, youthful body, and not much of a chest. Nice personality but the session itself was standard and nothing to write home about. Her idea of cowgirl was shuddering for ten seconds then telling me to get on top. Would I repeat? No.