Your first negotiation with a chica is very important if like repeat sessions with the same girl.
I believe that a key to negotiations for a good session is to never ask a chica for a fee quote.
She will never start with her lowest rate.
You should give her a bottom basement offer.
So I always start my negotiations with SGs by offering 100p and not discussing what services I want in the session. Only 10% to 20% of young attractive SGs will accept 100p for a session. Those that do accept 100p are typically going to offer up a S/T session (approx 15 minutes) at their host hotel where they keep their tops on, offer no BJ, and allow only one sex position (usually mish). I have been pleasantly surprised in a few instances where sin ropa was delivered automatically.
I never have received a BJ when going up for 100p.
I sometimes have asked for a second position (while fucking in the original position) and received it without a request for additional fees. But usually SGs will ask for mas dinero for a new position in a 100p session - so I decline. I do like to repeat with SGs I like, and find it important never to accept upselling!
Almost always, in these 100p sessions, after fucking for 10 minutes or so, my request for a hand job finish is accepted for no additional charge (feenish con mano?)

Once this low base rate has been established - getting my next session with the same chica for full service on the cheap is a slam dunk. Of course, since we established the low base of 100p, for my second negotiation I never discusses fees. I simply ask for another session, but request a service upgrade: "Nuevo session mi amore, sin ropa?" or I might instead ask "Nuevo session con orale?" if I feel this is the better track for that particular SG).
I've had just a couple of 2nd-session negotiations where I received a service upgade for no additional costs. But typically the request for any upgrade in services will be countered with a chica request for mas dinero. If she asks for an additional 50p or 100p, my typical counter is to accept the added charge, but to counter with a substantial service upgrade whispered in her ear "Pos doscientos pesos toda, sin ropa, tres posiciones, con sin condom suckie".
At that point in the negotiations, it is up to the chica to accept my terms or offer up an acceptable offer. If she went up previously for 100p or 120p for a no-frills session, she will be inclined to step up the services significantly without much additional costs.
SGs will almost always remember what you paid and received in the recent past - so these initial negotiations matter a lot if you like to repeat with the chicas that please you.