Well they certainly werent 9's....
To add insult to injury they screwed up a simple bin....3 of us at 130 baht on one bin, then 2 seperate lady drink bins for an old gf of Loop who was the only ggg to sit a while.
I got the bin for the beers, 490tb, and Loop pulled the 2 LDs to pay seperate.
The waitress, who wasnt the original, asked for the LD bins, but me and Loop both said he'd pay that seperate. She nodded, took my thousand , and returned with change for the entire bin, while Loop was still holding 2 bills.
Loop said he hadnt paid the LDs yet, so she says, "300!" and tries to get him to pay for the LDs again.
We try to explain and she stomps off in a huff. The original waitress then comes over and smoothes it all by saying , " Your flen can pay you," and takes the 2 LD bins....
If they are going to do a continuos bin anyway, why not do it in front of you?
While I admit that Raws way at SWs is a little more expensive if you are a softy with tipping every time like me, but paying the bin EVERY TIME you get a drink leads to NO disputes, stops padding in its tracks, and is the way Im used to doing it in Aus.