Fair enough, it does happen a lot. Just like men often assume they know how a woman will behave, because a lot of women behave that way.
You seem to find it insulting when women lump all men together. And I reacted the exact same way.
Not all of them are losers, I wish. Seriously, I have decided against some men I really, really wanted...so maybe, yes, part of this is me being tired of saying No to myself about one I really, really want. At least I think I want, that could change in ten seconds when I meet him.
And really hon, the way you talk sometimes it's kind of funny that you found what I wrote bitchy. That wasn't even the beginning of my bitch. :tongue:
I always thought from your posts you seem like a very nice person, and here you are doing it again. Thank you, but I'm not interested in falling in love with anyone... in fact I'd run from it like a nuclear cloud.
I've decided against men because I could see myself getting in over my head with them, I really don't want it.
Yes, I'm quite sure. Why is it such a big deal for a woman to give in to pure heat once in awhile?
And the economy was pretty good under Clinton.
I agree, but I'd really like to get pounded by that. :great:
No, unless I become convinced somehow that the open relationship is real, he's a OneFuck at most.
Woodchuck....oh, we'll discuss that remark in private, and then you will not speak to me like that again.
Juan Epstein's mother, LOLOL. I guess that beats Youngstuff needing a note from his actual mother. And a ride.
Thank you...I really appreciate all the input from everyone, but in the end I make up my own mind about things. You're right though, I should stop talking out loud around here. :tongue: