Back in Toronto
Seeker of Truth and Beneficial Knowledge
You are the one that CHOOSES to frequent whores, so why complain when they try and shaft you (no pun intended)?Who have you seen reply after 3 weeks or longer to a post? Lol. I don't even remember when I posted this, I think it was probably longer than that. I am on to you. These girls are getting paid a lot for very little work. All they have to do is give a little massage and make guys cum in 10 minutes or less. That does not require hardly enough training and work experience in my humble opinion. Most girls have had so many boyfriends that they are already masters of it. I wouldn't in my dreams consider doing sex work to make a living, but If I was working as a sex worker and getting customers I would feel pretty happy too. Do you really think a lot of men and women have money to spend on this hubby? This is a very expensive activity to take part in. I mean they are the ones who chose to get paid handsomely and to do this kind of work. Please don't make these stupid excuses for them.
And I was AGREEING that these prices are LUDICROUS. I guess your ilk can't take YES for an answer either.