v) Every Body Rub Parlour owner and every Body Rub Parlour Operator shall:
i) Keep a written record of all appointments, bookings and arrangements for body rubs or services and such records shall be made 'readily available' upon demand of a person authorized to enforce the provisions of this By-law.
ii) the records referred to in Section 13.0 (3) v) i) shall be maintained for a period of not less than 3 months.
iii) the records referred to in Section 13.0 (3) i) shall indicate the time, date, fee charged, and service provided, the full legal name and any aliases used by the attendant providing such services and that full legal name and current address of the customer as may be 'evidenced by a valid Driver's License'.
iv) every Body Rub Parlour Owner and every Body Rub Parlour Operator shall maintain and produce upon demand of the person authorized to enforce the provisions of this By-Law an employee schedule that indicates the full legal name and any aliases used by each attendant and operator and the start and finish time for each day for each attendant and operator.
When a man visits HFH, he will be asked to produce a drivers license. His drivers license number will be marked on the sheet. If you notice in the bylaw we can either ask for the number on his drivers licence or his full legal name and address. So we chose the drivers license number.
Notice in the bylaw it reads, 'readily available'. This means.. when the bylaw officer visits to check the records, he looks to see that we have taken the number down for each client and we have records for 3 months. He will not be removing the records from HFH - he would need a warrant to do so. He can not contact you or use this information against you in any way - that is illegal. Neither can I. It comes down to the fact that bylaw is trying to control our supply and demand - they know that men will be leary to visit MP's if they have to show their identification because they will be afraid to do so. This is the sole reason for them asking us to record the information.
If we do not record the information we will first be closed down for 15 days. If we still do not record the information, they will close us down permanently. I have no choice. But as I said, legally, they can not do anything with the information other than see that it was recorded physically.
I have been telling everyone for a very long time that every district will adapt the Vaughan By-law within time. As I have said before, it is the strictest bylaw across Canada. Recently, it has been posted here on massageplanet.net that Brampton and/or Missassauga has adapted a new bylaw in which the girls must be fully clothed. In the bylaw the proper wording is, 'covered by opaque material at all times.' That is old news. It's been in Vaughan bylaw since I opened HFH. So when guys come on this board and post about getting a nude massage, etc, it is obviously breaking the bylaw Now you have to take into consideration this for ALL places not only a few. What's more important? Writing the grand review or having a nice place to go to?
I knew that eventually it would change. And here it is. Eventually, those places will be asking for the same thing that I am doing now. So.. we can't prevent it. But at least you can feel more assured that by going to a place that is following the bylaw accordingly, the less hassle for the client in the end.