Allow me to extrapolate, if you will.
Assuming that in one year's time this bylaw has been tested and applied throughout the GTA and outer regions, and that attempts to deem it invasive or illegal have failed, what will be next?
The adult service industry is not the only one with a vocal lobby in opposition. Both tobacco and alcohol have similar opponents, but these industries also have the means to fight for their interests.
Since the bylaw's justification is most likely to assure no persons under the age of majority are provided a service, subsequently a similar bylaw should be enacted for tobacco and alcohol sales, to ensure that today's youth are protected from sex, tobacco, and alcohol.
To this end, I propose that we embrace this law, and encourage our municipal representatives to impose similar restrictions on the LCBO, Brewer's Retail, and every tobacco sales outlet.
Realistically, how long will the people stand for having a record of every visit they make to the liquor store, every pack of smokes, every two-four?
Exactly. Bring other people into our fight... just don't tell them why.