No XTC, I clicked on the correct one lol
Your Curly, Larry and MO alter egos are blatently obvious! One in the same and all emphasizing the exact same views.
At least 3 different handles all with the exact same narcissistic ways.
Please dont misconstue this as disdain for Bellagio as its one of my favorite spas. The disdain I have is for you

You see many months ago, I fell victim to your BS over promotion of a lady.......and then again one more time. I won't mention the ladies as one is still at Bellagio. Unless of course you'd like to call my bluff? Everyone is aware of your shady tactics already anyway!!
Then we address the zero + Sophia saga.
With the intent of attracting business, you mentioned, for all to see that this blowjob occurred. Putting that poor girl in peril, forcing her to deal with hoards of guys trying to get the same is disgraceful.
Heres some advise. Instead of trying to develop a fake shtick with the crayon writing and grammar, 6 feet tall, bike riding shower and mouthwash, kissing bandit leg rubbing super stud .....develop some ethics and character instead, and earn respect. If youre going to promote be honest. Don't set the girls up and in turn, have dissapointed customers.
I will mention this because they are far away from Bellagio.
I was at E&M later this afternoon to see the new 23 year old girl Christina. Guess what, she is actually 23 XTC's!!
She's about 5'9" slim and incredibly pretty. Furthermore, believe it or not XTC's, Michelle made sure that i was aware of a few things that may concern me before i committed and went in the room. Very commendable. Take note XTC's =(x3 or 4)
Now before you suggest that im also a promoter and shill for E&M, please remember that I've endorsed many wonderful ladies at Bellagio. I think Lucy has a fantastic spa. I would like to see Cherry, Vivi and Erica. If I don't have anything positive to say I won't say anything at all but if I do.....I certainly will.
I may even stop over tomorrow as I have to go to Times Square.
As much as Bellagio has many great ladies, your claim that BW is the #1 spa for young girls that are new to the business is another gross exaggeration of yours.
I'd could easily list 4 other spas to shut you up but for Lucy's sake i wont.
Please don't make me waste another hour of my time trying to painfully compose another one of these long winded replies.