Known Reviewer're a mess!!!Woo woo. Stop the presses. Jiminy’s fake IDs visit the same spas he promotes… quel coincidence!
…. I notice spawarrior & pornprince also see fake ids everywhere… ppl who make many fake ids start getting paranoid, eh?
I tolerate visits by yer various IDs if they behave… but coming 2 this thread & speculating on girl’s being older, i do not look the other way…
Typing busily promoting other spas on thecomputer Lucy gave u , bcuz she felt sorry 4u… then using that 2 turn around & promote rival spas, then put down Clara & Cecelia… I can tolerate allot but that’s crossing a line…
Tryna pick a fight w me also gets tedious fast… lets go 2 E&M or Shangri-La threads & fight there… w East Beaver Wellness & yer buddy KJ moving in next door, mebbe u should focus on yer clients…. Its amazing how girls there show u ID 2 prove their ages…
No idea what youre even talking about half of the time.
Go on whatever site you want and do whatever you feel you need to do. Doesn't matter to me one way or the other. None of these people or spas know me and i dont know them.
You go ahead and keep defending yourself instead of listening to people and improving yourself. That pertains to the 3 or 4 of you