Mepeters wrote:
Well, you actually did get mugged according to you, and your new friends backed your story up.
And if I were mugged I might feel just like you. I could only the imagine the trauma of a mugging experience.
You must feel like a rape victim, but just like a rape victim you probably now have a distorted vision of the true danger of the 'Zona Norte."
The fact is muggings aren't going on at a fantastic pace, and of all the mongers that reported in, still only a very small perceneforum.xxxe of mongers have actually got attacked.
Now there are a few elements out there that could make TJ dangerous, and for awhile there because of cartel violence the TJ cops didn't patrol the area, and closed down the small police station in the area, and the US is deported Mexican aliens with felony police records at a stepped up pace with the budget crisis in California.
But with that said, I find the "zona" extremely safe, especially around the bar area, the alley where the SGs line up, and Constitution street. I also don't see any danger on Articulo 123, but would still be a little more cautious in that area.
As I have said many times before, after hearing many scary stories on prostitution sex forums. After hearing all these scary stories you expect something to happen, but just about every time I visit TJ.....I make it back alive back safe, and yesterday was no exception.