first trip in months
crossed border.. no problems
changed money 14.2 pesos / $ would really recomend getting lots of pesos... more useful and easier than dollars
took taxi to HK.... so many peaople there... lots of locals.. few gringos...
Great shows at HK... lots of chicks... but mostly old looking... a few hot ones
was quoted 700 pesos or 70 but easy enough to negotiate
it was obvious that even though there were lots of customers... most did not have much money to spend... they were really tight with the dollar bills
upstairs to the hotel... pretty empty... usual BS about knocks on the door after 20 min... chick was very friendly.... pretty fun
back down... one more beer then off to AB
AB not as full as usual... less hot chicks... but 95% of them were new... did not recognise any... some were more in a hurry and into the hustle... had 3 beers in 1 hour... but no cought our attention....
walked over to chicago.... pretty quiet... about 15 chicks but 4 customers.... the chicks were very friendly and talkative........ drink prices were ridiculous

$6 for a redbul.... $8 for a beer for chicks...
saw a cutie... reminded me of someone i knew but a younger version....
went upsairs $12 for room 30 min... knock at door at 20min.... paid for another 30 min (actually get 20-25 as usual)
room was ok.. a little better than HK, but not as good as AB rooms
back down... said goodbye.... friend eating tocos on the street...
back to AB.... a few cuter chicks back down from the rooms.. but too tired to try anyone... flirted a little...
Quick look back at HK, its about 430 now... HK is winding down...
Taxi back to boarder.... no lines at 5am... walked right through
Over to macdonnalds... walk back and drive
On the streets in front of HK, and AB were 2-4 police cars and 5-6 cops at all times.... they looked pretty legit and everything was fine... no problems... not scarry even though i was expecting the worst
The all behind AB and HK was very well lit... almost too bright... seemed calm.. no problems... but did not really walk around much
over all seemed like things were pretty normal but slow, and money is hard to come by, so you guys can negotiate much more.... just tell them i know you are worth 70... but due to the poor economy i can afford 40-50 and they seem pretty cool and happy with that
have fun guys