I'll try and address your response point by point:
1) You said (in a way that indicates he wasn't anything before you) that when you met, he was living in a basement and that you got him to buy a home etc. Well, since he's in his 30's now, that means he was 14+/- when he was living in a basement. NO shit. lol. I lived in my parent's basement when I was 14 up until 20. SO really, that isn't any real bonus in your favour.
2) Unplanned pregnancy. Your habit of not taking pills is a cop out plain and simple. You say he was a father and husband in his 20's but your habit of not taking pills is childish. Especially since it was BCPs!!! If a couple decides on a method of birth control, in this case it was the pill, then the onus is on the party whose form it is (if you said "we're only using condoms" then the onus is on him.).
No, women don't get themselves pregnant alone, BUT they do take steps to try and trap a guy. For example: not taking the pill when they should. I've even read about cases where women poke holes in the condom (a pin hole through the center is undetectable), or there was one case where a guy caught his GF siphoning his jizz out of the condom with a turkey baster. I'm not saying you did this, but obviously if your partner thought you were protected then he wouldn't worry so much.
And for the record, it isn't solely the responsibility of the woman, but when the couple decides the method of birthcontrol is the pill, then yes, the onus IS on the woman to take the fricken pill. To expand on that, you too could have used spermicidal foam, a diaphram, etc.
Really, from the sounds of it, while you say you'd raise the kid on your own etc, you probably knew he'd do the right thing didn't you? You probably knew he wouldn't simply just walk away. In fact, he is legally obligated to support you and the child whether you say no or not. So really, your promises were empty. You can't just release a guy from responsibility by clicking your heels together three times....
3) His family renting. Well, I don't know the situation but MILLIONS of people only rent and never own their own home. There's nothing wrong with that and in some cases, it is preferable to owning. There is a lot of expenses related to home ownership and many do not have the means or the wherewithall to handle it.
To me, and this is just my opinion, you seem to have this feeling of self-importance in his family. How you seem to think you have this dramatic impact on them.
I don't know about other guys but I for one couldn't live with a woman who walked around with the attitude "you would be nothing without me". That's just the gist of what I get from your posts....
4) As RAWD said, the trust is gone and may never return. That in and of itself is reason enough IMO to leave. Checking up on him is NOT going to help you, him, or the family.
No, it isn't a copout and yes the divorce rate is high but in this particular case, you're obviously working on it and it isn't working. You said so yourself, you don't trust him and might not ever.
Your case isn't a simple: I've grown and want to leave, he cheated on you. THAT is a good reason to leave and I'm not sure if you're aware, but getting a divorce isn't as simple or easy as you make it out to be. There's a HIGH cost to doing it and the division of property is a long drawn out process (in most cases). Heck you hear about custody battles all the time. You make it seem like it is as easy as ordering a double double from timmies.....
Now if you had come on here and said "I don't trust him now because he cheated, but I know eventually I will learn to trust him again" then I'd say yeah, keep at it. But when you say openly you don't know if you ever will, then that right there speaks volumes.
To me, and with no desire to insult, it does seem like you're enjoying making him pay for his cheating. You keep posting that he's trying, but are you? IMO checking up on him is not trying. In fact, to me, that seems like the complete opposite. Plus you've mentioned a couple of times how he misses her. I think you are actually enjoying that.
As for him missing her, wtf? That means he still has feelings for her and if he does, how can he be committed to you and the family yet harbour feelings for the women he cheated with?
SOrry, I still agree with the family who say this relationship is over and was the minute he stuck his dick inside another woman. I think the best think for you is to split amicably while you still can and move on with both your lives.
I have read and heard many times that the kids KNOW exactly what's going on and by staying together, from the sounds of it, is only doing more harm than good at this point. You say he's spending more time with them now than he ever did. While they probably are happy because of it I can't help but wonder if they're thinking: ok, wtf is going on? He never used to be around this much...what happened?
Back to "I hope so..." now it seems like the reason he isn't sure isn't because of HIS feelings. The way it sounds now is that it isn't up to him to want to or not, it's up to YOU. I bet in the back of his mind he's thinking he's doing everything he can to make this work but somehow that isn't enough. The uncertainly lies in whether or not YOU can move on. To me, it really sounds like you can't.
The term "you can't beat a dead horse" really comes to mind in this case.....
Ok, you posted this while I was writing my diatribe lol. This is the first I've read and that is at least a little more encouraging. Why do you stop yourself? That in and of itself is and will prevent you from achieving your "big picture happiness".
The ONLy way this marriage will survive is for you to get over it. It won't work otherwise because if you keep thinking in the back of your mind that he WILL cheat again, he'll realize this and eventually he will......