I'm sure it goes on. With all the money and work I put in to introduce clients to chicas, I would think for the little they would save they would prefer to use the service to ensure the chica even shows up.
I believe the service I provide is very valuable to my clients. Some of my chicas just give out my personal number when asked by a client, and when they call I just let the client know that the chica does not want to be bothered with personal calls.
I have 86'd girls for this, and will continue to do it. I also have a great base of loyal clients and sometimes they will ask for a number and then let me know if the chica obliges. When this happens the chica get a nice friendly talk, and a 10 day vacation.
These clients and the chicas both would not even know the other was alive, if it was not for my agency, so trying to circumvent the agency is really not wise for either.
I once had a client call me when waiting for a chica to show up...he had not scheduled, so I just told him she was on a date, and offered to send him another chica. See the chica would blew him off for a three hour date...now if he would have scheduled through me, then I would not have accepted the three hour date or would have tried to change the time, etc.
All the same some guys like to try and get over, and it is not hard to figure out who. It is an occupational hazard, but I do what I can do to keep it to a minimum.
Now if a guy is interested in being exclusive with a chica, I can be helpful in that for zero commission. That has happened on a few occasions.