Which of the 18 complaints are you characterizing as "police abuse", because he was disciplined for only two? Is it perhaps the one where he ordered a woman out of the car? Is that the one you are thinking of? Please, share your specific insights, since even the article you posted does not say what the complaints were about. Or is it maybe that without knowing the substance of the complaints you characterized them as police abuse and now lack the character to admit you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about?
And no, you're unequivocally
wrong about the drug history. It is NOT alleged, and the article I shared says no such thing. He went to jail for drugs, more than once I believe. There were drugs in his system when he died. He's on video saying he'd been "hoopin" Or are you going to contend that was a reference to basketball?
Here's Snopes, which has bent over backwards to be kind to Floyd. And we're arguing over drugs FFS every other charge is far worse.
Background Check: Investigating George Floyd’s Criminal Record | Snopes.com
Have the balls to just admit you are wrong.