This is Villamontes:
I did not post this, but someone else did:
From Villas' Post: Chinese women don't like black men because they believe the two stereotypes. One they have big cocks that will rip them open and two that they are all dripping with Aids. So I've heard.
Your original quote, is mine.
I like China and enjoy my time here, but where I live, there are very few foreigners. The story I related originally happened in a bar in GZ while I was in GZ visiting a friend.
Personally, I believe that anyone can have a good time in the spas/massage parlors with the girls that work there. For non-working girls, I do not know. But, as I have said before and will say again, a lot of chicks flirt with me here and I am 54 years old. It may be a form of ego-pollution, but one of the things I hear often from young, cute girls: "You are a very handsome man." I have to admit, I like it!!