Hi everyone, long time....Hey Magno, how goes it?
Well, it's been over a year since I've been oil pulling, and the testimonials are still pouring in from around the world. OP is the most gentle and benign effective therapy for so many conditions. It seems to help mostly the soft tissues of the mouth, but people are curing all sorts of skin conditions...the list goes on and on.
Here is what we have learned in a year.
You can swish with any nut or seed oil. You don't need to stick to Sesame or Sunflower. My personal favorite is Walnut and Coconut (Yum). Try to make your oil expeller or cold pressed and organic.
You must change your oil after a period of time (like months). By changing your oil, you will refresh the process, and it will be like you started all over again. I found this out after months of only using Sunflower. My teeth were'nt getting much whiter (in fact they were starting to dull again) I was floored! I changed to sesame. Then again, after about 4 months, same thing. Then I found Walnut...and oh boy, that was fantastic. I've switched often to Udo's Oil (expensive), hazelnut, flax, hemp and this oil I found called Total EFA. I'm going for as healthy essential fatty acids as I can find. You have to be brave to do the flax and hemp because it is thick and doesn't taste that great.
But when you start to pull with these heavy hitters, Wow, you can actually feel it doing positive things for the body.
Wanted to check it and give you some updates. There is much coming in as to why they think this is so effective (has to do with Iga and mucuous membranes). Very biological info, extremely logical and interesting.
Cheers, Molly